Thursday, March 27, 2014

Good morning UKRAINE


This morning’s blog post is aimed for Ukrainian readers. I was pleasantly surprised by statistical reports that said last week 46 people logged onto my blog from Ukraine.

In this part of the US, many would like to hear from you. If you have logged on from Ukraine, please take time to respond in the “comment box” at the bottom.

I asked Facebook friends what they’d like to say to Ukrainians if given the chance.

From Australia, Marilyn J. Patton wrote, “I wish them many blessings and much love and hope they have courage to do what they think is best in the situation for them and their families.”

Terry A. Allen’s comment reflected many who would like to hear from real people in Ukraine rather than relying on the media to tell us what’s going on. “I hope your news coverage is better than our Yellow, Biased Propaganda BS.”

My reference to “the Ukraine” was corrected by Brenda Baker who wrote, “My grandson married a girl from Ukraine. She speaks three languages and grammatically correct English. Ukrainians prefer to say they're from Ukraine, not The Ukraine. Anne Costello Edmunds confirmed that and provided me this link to the story of how and why.

The essay found at teaches that dropping the article “the” was an integral part of claiming Ukrainian independence from the former Soviet Union. The writer says, “Today, the Ukraine is considered antiquated and insulting, and using it in well-informed company is a bad idea.” I won’t make that mistake again!
Several readers seconded the emotion expressed by Mike Moser who asked that I relay this. “That we wish them freedom. The freedom to start with nothing and accomplish much... to live your dreams. We whine a lot as Americans... about the press, the politicians, the economy, which are sometimes flawed, but we have the freedom to do so. Their neighbors... and invaders... to the north do not. I hope that the U.S. and E.U. stand with the good people of Ukraine so they can whine as freely as we do. We've always had freedom, so we tend to take it for granted. Godspeed, Ukraine... I pray that our politicians, and citizens, remember your future is also ours.”
Michael R ODonnell wrote, “Warm thoughts for the Ukrainians and may their hopes of self-determination continue and be real.” From Jane Ifland, “I wish you life, peace, and confidence in the future.”
Susan Kotowicz wondered if relatives she used to have in Ukraine were still there, “Hi relatives who used to be part of Poland, if any still exist there. We had some people in Kiev at one time! I wish you peace and freedom!”
From the state of Pennsylvania, Corbin Fowler wrote, “I wish Ukraine and Crimea peace and a happy future coexisting with one another.” And Janet Carol Whitehead said she admires “Ukrainian courage to fight for what we call freedom in spite of the overwhelming odds.”
Many others simply clicked on the “Like” button to signal agreement with many of the comments others posted.
There is a great deal of interest here in what is happening in Ukraine. News about Ukraine rivals the Malaysian airliner story for airtime. We hear hourly the barbs being traded between Presidents Obama and Putin. But we hear almost nothing from the real people who are living in the center of this storm.
Generations of Americans born after World War II are scurrying to learn the history of the Ukraine. Suddenly books like Timothy Snyder’s “Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin” are bestsellers. Snyder recounts the tragic history of ghastly violence perpetrated against Ukrainian people by Stalin and Hitler during the war years and those leading up to and those following WWII.
Knowing something about that history has given people in the United States a greater respect for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters and has heightened our concerns for what you are facing today.
You are in our thoughts and on our minds.

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