Monday, April 30, 2012

Does Cheyenne need a rec center?

Does Cheyenne really need the recreation center the city has planned...or unplanned, as the case may be? It seems to me there are more than enough recreational opportunities for those who can afford to pay. What about those who cannot? Will the recreation center the city wants the voters to approve simply compete with private enterprise centers for the same members? Or should it meet an unmet need? I would like your thoughts as I struggle with how to vote on this matter.


  1. I strongly oppose a new rec center. So many people wouldn't be able to enjoy it for the membership expense and I know it would hurt the competitors, but I also have a problem with where they wanted to build the 'other Cheyenne' north of town near Del Range Blvd. When will city officials and the DDA realize that Cheyenne is not Ft. Collins, or Casper or anywhere else? The downtown area needs interesting places to shop from and it is in dire need of places to dine in. I haven't forgotten the Taco John Event Center fiasco, either! The mayor and city council need to have more vision than to simply continue trying to 'be like' other cities while they place expensive band aides over the real problems. A new rec center would serve a certain privileged few...not the vast NO is my answer!

  2. Great question, Rodger. The Wyoming Tribune-Eagle beat the drums for the rec center ballot initiative that went downs in flames several years ago. And now it's doing it again. This new plan is better and more cost-efficient than the previous one, but do we really need it? I'd always thought that the city rec boys should get with the YMCA and figure out ways to work together. This would be one of those public-private partnership we hear about so often. I do not think I will vote for it. I like many of the other ballot issues, especially the botanic gardens expansion.
