Friday, April 20, 2018

Myth of WYO Independence

A Wyoming man was recently killed on Interstate 80 near Bufford. A semi-truck driver traveling the opposite direction crossed over the median and crashed into the about-to-be-dead man’s car.

How random. How unfair. How final. The man who died likely gave no prior thought to how much his life depended on a truck driver going the other way.

We value independence, but how much do we actually depend on others including people we have never even meet? The word “depend” signals that we rely on others and put our trust in them. The definition makes it sound like “depending” is an active behavior when most often it’s something we do subconsciously, never aware that our lives and the lives of those we love are at stake.

I drive I-80 often without giving any thought to how much I depend on others. Driving is an activity that depends on others. Will they stop or will they run that red light as you enter the intersection? Are they paying attention, texting, or talking on the phone? Have they scraped enough snow and ice from their windshield this morning so that they can see you?

Operating a vehicle is one of many ways we depend on others. We live lives of dependency and seldom think about it. We drop our children and grandchildren off at school each morning depending on others to care as much for them as we do and to teach them what they need to know while keeping them safe.

Loved ones undergo medical care or enter nursing homes where they and those who love them depend on the skills and care of others. We walk through grocery stores tossing food into our carts without thinking how much we are counting on those who harvest and process the food so we can put it safely on the family table.

We rely on people who drink alcohol to make good choices about when they’ve had their limit and on those who sell liquor to make sure customers don’t leave to drive home drunk. We depend on retailers not to sell tobacco to our children and on those who rate movies to make sure we can take our children to a film without exposing them to sex and violence.

We stake the lives of our children on child care providers to operate safe facilities and to hire employees who won’t do harm.  

We place out trust on the honesty of financial institutions where we leave our hard-earned money. We depend on the honesty and skills of lawyers and accountants we hire. We subconsciously rely on the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the drugs we take to save or improve our lives and the knowledge of the medical professional who prescribe them.

We depend on law enforcement, prosecuting and defense lawyers and juries to protect the rights of those accused of crimes and to keep dangerous people off the streets. We depend on employers to operate safe workplaces and to comply with laws designed to protect employees.

Without knowing it, children rely on adults not to leave loaded guns within their reach and the customers at Starbucks used to rely on that guy with the AR-15 not to start shooting. We depend on those who collect private and personal information and data on us to keep it away from those who would use it to harm us.

No matter how much you’ve saved for your senior years, you depend on the president not to Tweet messages or act whimsically in a way that cause your retirement funds to tank.

You can probably think of many more dependencies in your life. I depend on you and you depend on me. Our lives and the welfare of those we love are at stake. We should all give thought to the fact that depending on others requires each citizen to make choices worthy of the confidence of others.

As much as we respect independence, our lives are dependent in ways we seldom imagine.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

“Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick May 21, 1922

This morning we consider the fundamentalist controversy, which threatens to divide American churches. A scene, suggestive for our thought, is depicted in the fifth chapter of the Book of the Acts, where the Jewish leaders hale before them Peter and other of the apostles because they had been preaching Jesus as the Messiah. Jewish leaders propose to slay them, when in opposition Gamaliel speaks “Refrain from these men and let them alone; for if this work be of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God ye will not be able to overthrow them.”

All of us must have heard about the people who call themselves the Fundamentalists. Their apparent intention is to drive out of the evangelical churches men and women of liberal opinions. There are no two denominations more affected by them than the Baptists and the Presbyterians. We should not identify the Fundamentalists with the conservatives. All Fundamentalists are conservatives, but not all conservatives are Fundamentalists. The best conservatives can often give lessons to the liberals in true liberality of spirit, but the Fundamentalist program is essentially illiberal and intolerant.
This is nothing new. It has happened again and again in history, as, for example, when the stationary earth suddenly began to move and the universe that had been centered in this planet was centered in the sun around which the planets whirled. Whenever such a situation has arisen, there has been only one way out—the new knowledge and the old faith had to be blended in a new combination. Now, the people in this generation who are trying to do this are the liberals, and the Fundamentalists are out on a campaign to shut against them the doors of the Christian fellowship. Shall they be allowed to succeed?

It is interesting to note where the Fundamentalists insist that we must all believe in the historicity of certain special miracles, preeminently the virgin birth of our Lord; that we must believe in a special theory of inspiration—that the original documents of the Scripture, which of course we no longer possess, were inerrantly dictated to men a good deal as a man might dictate to a stenographer; that we must believe in a special theory of the Atonement—that the blood of our Lord, shed in a substitutionary death, placates an alienated Deity and makes possible welcome for the returning sinner; and that we must believe in the second coming of our Lord upon the clouds of heaven to set up a millennium here, as the only way in which God can bring history to a worthy denouement. Such are some of the stakes which are being driven to mark a deadline of doctrine around the church.
This is a free country. Anybody has a right to hold these opinions or any others if he is sincerely convinced of them. But, has anybody a right to deny the Christian name to those who differ with him on such points? The Fundamentalists say, “Yes.” They have actually endeavored to put on the statute books binding laws against teaching modern biology.

I would, if I could reach their ears, say to the Fundamentalists about the liberals what Gamaliel said to the Jews, “Refrain from these men and let them alone; for if this counsel be of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God ye will not be able to overthrow them.”
Too often we preachers have failed to talk frankly enough about the differences of opinion which exist among Christians. Let us face this morning some of the differences of opinion with which we must deal.
We may well begin with the vexed and mooted question of the virgin birth of our Lord. I know people in the Christian churches, ministers, missionaries, laymen, devoted lovers of the Lord and servants of the Gospel, who, alike as they are in their personal devotion to the Master, hold quite different points of view about a matter like the virgin birth. There is one point of view that the virgin birth is accepted as historical fact. That is one point of view, and many are the gracious and beautiful souls who hold it. But side by side with them in the evangelical churches is a group of equally loyal and reverent people who would say that the virgin birth is not to be accepted as an historic fact.

These Christians remember that the two men who contributed most to the Church’s thought of the divine meaning of the Christ were Paul and John, who never even distantly allude to the virgin birth.
Is not the Church large enough to hold within her hospitable fellowship people who differ on points like this and agree to differ until the fuller truth be manifested? The Fundamentalists say not. They say the liberals must go. Well, if the Fundamentalists should succeed, then out of the Christian Church would go multitudes of men and women, devout and reverent Christians, who need the church and whom the church needs.

Consider another matter on which there is a difference of opinion between evangelical Christians: the inspiration of the Bible. One point of view is that the Scripture was inerrantly dictated by God to men; that everything there, scientific opinions, medical theories, historical judgments, as well as spiritual insight, is infallible.
But there are multitudes of people who never think about the Bible in that way. Indeed, that static and mechanical theory of inspiration seems to them a positive peril to the spiritual life.

In the Church today are these two groups. Shall one of them drive the other out? Do we think the cause of Jesus Christ will be furthered by that? If He should walk through the ranks of his congregation this morning, can we imagine Him claiming as His own those who hold one idea of inspiration and sending from Him into outer darkness those who hold another? In the Midwest the Fundamentalists have had their way in some communities and a Christian minister tells us the consequences. He says that the educated people are looking for their religion outside the churches.

Consider another matter upon which there is a difference of opinion between evangelical Christians: the second coming of our Lord.
One is that Christ is literally coming on the clouds of heaven, to set up His kingdom here. I never heard that teaching in my youth. It has always had a resurrection when desperate circumstances came and man’s only hope seemed to lie in divine intervention. It is not strange, then, that during these chaotic, catastrophic years there has been a fresh rebirth of this old phrasing of expectancy. “Christ is coming!”
Side by side with these to whom the second coming is a literal expectation, another group exists. They too, say, “Christ is coming!” They say it with all their hearts; but they are not thinking of an external arrival on the clouds. These Christians, when they say that Christ is coming, mean that, slowly it may be, but surely, His will and principles will be worked out by God’s grace in human life and institutions, until “He shall see of the travail of His soul and shall be satisfied.”

These two groups exist in churches and the question raised by the Fundamentalists is—Shall one of them drive the other out?
I do not believe for one moment that the Fundamentalists are going to succeed. Nobody’s intolerance can contribute anything to a solution. If, then, the Fundamentalists have no solution of the problem, where may we expect to find it? In two concluding comments let us consider our reply to that inquiry.

The first element necessary is a spirit of tolerance and Christian liberty. When will the world learn that intolerance solves no problems? This is not a lesson which the Fundamentalists alone need to learn; the liberals also need to learn it. Speaking, as I do, from the viewpoint of liberals, let me say that if some young, fresh mind here this morning is holding new ideas and is tempted to be intolerant about old opinions, he may well remember that people who held those old opinions have given the world some of the noblest character and the most memorable service that it ever has been blessed with, and that we of the younger generation will prove our case best, not by controversial intolerance, but by producing, with our new opinions, something of the depth and strength, nobility and beauty of character that in other times were associated with other thoughts.

Nevertheless, it is true the Fundamentalists are giving us one of the worst exhibitions of bitter intolerance that the churches of this country have ever seen. Remember the remark of General Armstrong of the Hampton Institute, “Cantankerousness is worse than orthodoxy.” There are many opinions of modern controversy concerning which I am not sure whether they are right or wrong, but there is one thing I am sure of: courtesy, kindliness, tolerance, humility and fairness are right. Opinions may be mistaken; love never is.

As I plead for an intellectually hospitable, tolerant, liberty-loving church, I am thinking about this new generation. We have boys and girls growing up in our homes and schools, and because we love them we may well wonder about the church which will be waiting to receive them. Now, the worst kind of church that can possibly be offered to the allegiance of the new generation is an intolerant church. Ministers often bewail the fact that young people turn from religion to science for the regulative ideas of their lives. But this is easily explicable.

Science treats a young man’s mind as though it were really important. A scientist says to a young man, “Here is the universe challenging our investigation. Here are the truths which we have seen, so far. Come, study with us! See what we already have seen and then look further to see more, for science is an intellectual adventure for the truth.”

Can you imagine any man or woman who is worthwhile, turning from that call to the church if the church says, “Come, and we will feed you opinions from a spoon. No thinking is allowed here except such as brings you to certain specified, predetermined conclusions. These prescribed opinions we will give you in advance of your thinking.”
My friends, nothing in all the world is so much worth thinking of as God, Christ, the Bible, sin and salvation, the divine purposes for humankind, life everlasting. But you cannot challenge the dedicated thinking of this generation to these sublime themes upon any such terms as are laid down by an intolerant church.

When from the terrific questions of this generation one is called away by the noise of the Fundamentalists, it is almost unforgivable that Christians should quarrel over them when the world is perishing for the lack of the weightier matters of the law, justice, and mercy, and faith.

The present world situation smells to heaven! And now, in the presence of colossal problems, which must be solved in Christ’s name and for Christ’s sake, the Fundamentalists propose to drive from the Christian churches all the consecrated souls who do not agree with their theory of inspiration. What immeasurable folly!
Well, they’re not going to do it. Never in this church have I caught one accent of intolerance. God keep us always so; intellectually hospitable, open-minded, liberty-loving, fair, tolerant, not with the tolerance of indifference, as though we did not care about the faith, but because always our emphasis is upon the weightier matters. AMEN